• April 22–23, 2024
  • Sheraton Centre, Toronto
Organized by
Keynote & Speakers
Indigenous Representatives

Our Collective Advantage: Indigenous Consent

Companies – and countries – that honour and incorporate Indigenous consent across their supply chains hold a collective advantage over those who do not. Canada and the United States have the resources, clean energy, and society to attract the capital, production and innovation that the world needs to build a sound economic and environmental future.

Join us April 22-23, 2024, in Toronto, Canada where we will show how this collective advantage is key to our mutual environmental and economic success.

Discover the OCA Primer

The world is undergoing a massive economic and environmental shift, and the consent of Indigenous nations is pivotal to making sure Indigenous nations benefit and to advancing North America’s global economic market share.

Explore the OCA Conference Primer as it offers a window into what the contributions from experts at the conference will focus on. It spotlights groundbreaking projects and initiatives throughout Canada, the United States, and New Zealand, covering vital topics such as project governance, critical minerals, the energy transition, and empowering Indigenous ownership in major projects. With summaries of the conference’s highly anticipated keynote speeches, panel discussions, and featured models, providing readers with an in-depth understanding of the key themes leading up to the event.


Early Bird Registration

For a limited time only, get your discounted early bird tickets. Available until December 01, 2023.

“Nothing is beyond our capacity. We can do anything. We have to never forget. We must never doubt our capacity. Canada and the United States can do big things. We stand together, do them together, rise together.”

United States President Joe Biden as quoted by Ambassador David L. Cohen, U.S. Ambassador to Canada at the FNMPC Values Driven Economy Conference

“First Nations have experienced a lack of participation until now. Now is the time for really working on Indigenous relations and working with communities beyond the consultation table, beyond the leadership, getting into community. Communities are open and they’re excited to be participants.”

Christine John (Sagamok Anishnawbek First Nation)

The world is now in transition to net zero and Indigenous nations expect meaningful participation in infrastructure projects. Once that aligns with Indigenous values, the companies that embrace this aspect of partnership and deal creation will benefit from certainty and from having a competitive advantage over the status quo approaches by competitors.”

Mark Podlasly (Nlaka’pamux Nation), Chief Sustainability Officer, FNMPC

“Canada is in a perfect place perfect place to take advantage of the energy transition the green economy because we have natural resources to support the conversion to electricity. And where are many of those natural resources? They’re in the center to the north and they’re in Indigenous communities’ traditional territories.”

Harold Calla (Skwxwú7mesh Úxwumixw), Executive Chair, Financial Management Board

At all levels of the company people being trained on those issues – so all 11,000 employees … have all had Indigenous nation awareness and sensitivity training within the last year and we’ve had Chiefs in to speak to our board…. We’re listening first and acting second.”

Greg Ebel, President & CEO, Enbridge

Get Involved

Become a Sponsor

Sponsors of the conference are focused on advancing progressive Indigenous business initiatives, promoting meaningful Indigenous inclusion in major developments, and articulating Indigenous perspectives concerning ESG investment standards and sustainable business practices.


Volunteers at the FNMPC conference get to learn from leading experts and showcase Indigenous-industry deals from around the world. We invite you to come learn how major projects, done right, can provide lasting environmental, social, and economic benefit to all.

Media & Press

Journalists, reporters and editors from relevant printed or electronic publications may be accredited as media delegates to cover stories on the FNMPC 2024 Conference. Subscribe to be on the FNMPC media press release list.

Share Your Story

Every year, FNMPC convenes industry, government, and Indigenous leaders to unlocking Indigenous potential towards builidng our future sustainable economy. Share your project ideas, solutions, and experiences with our online community now.